Having a Medical Report
Today I not only had the chance to check my health conditions (you know, my liver!), but also was able to know how miserable are those people who don't find, except the west and especially America, to blame for their backwardness and misery. Not knowing that they themselves are the problem -clean your own house then go and clean the neighborhood-.
I can not find any explanation more than that it is a hatred based on the west being non-Muslim, consequently being infidels- and seeing it as a challenge between Christianity and Islam.
I had a talk with that medical student from Egypt nearly a month ago, and as usual, he recited the same song. The only aim America came to Iraq (Note: He as well as many in the Islamic world do not distinguish between decisions taken by leaders and politicians who are clearly running after their own financial benefits and and simple peaceful citizens) is to insult Islam!!!
I don't have much time now... I'm currently on my own Skypecast (English Talk V)... I don't have time sorry... bye